This month, West Dala was approached by the Foundation for the Support of Disabled Children, whose main goal is to form a decent life perspective for every disabled child.

From the letter we known about the story of 12-year-old Gulnaz Sarlybaykyzy. Due to the severe diagnosis of cerebral palsy (spastic diplegia), the girl cannot stand and walk on her own. Her dream is to go out for walks, but in a large family they cannot buy a wheelchair because of the difficult financial situation.

The West Dala company responded to the request and purchased a children's wheelchair for Gulnaz, so that she will be able to be outdoors more often.

We wish all disabled children and their parents health and well-being!

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In honor of World Environment Day and as part of the national "Taza Qazaqstan" campaign, the Department of Ecology of Mangistau Region awarded a group of local environmental activists and company representatives.

West Dala has contributed by installing 20 containers with a capacity of 8 cubic meters for the removal of household waste from homes affected by the flood.

The children it is the happiness and laughter, skinned knees and a world of discoveries. Every child needs a love, care and protection, that’s why the Children's Day was established for the first time in 1950.

According to the "Kiyeli meken" ("Sacred Place") the plan for historical sites and natural monuments within the framework of the national environmental campaign "Taza Qazaqstan," West Dala employees conducted a clean-up day in the Kenderli district in April of this year.