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More than 200 participants from the public and private sectors, industry and specialized Associations, as well as experts and deputies took a participation at the large-scale environmental forum VII “Uralsk Green Forum” in Uralsk City . The delegates from West Dala participated in the Forum to learn the experience and opportunities for implementing the best available technologies.

This year marks the 100th anniversary of the Makat District in Atyrau Region – a center of the oil industry, railway transportation, and the transportation of oil and gas.

The pond at the Prorva Waste Management Facility (WMF) of West Dala was created for the purpose of managing domestic wastewater and maintaining ecological balance. However, for the local flora and fauna, the pond has become a true natural oasis. Gulls and other birds have long taken to nesting here during the warm season, hatching their offspring.

Environmental activities continue in Atyrau as part of the "Clean Kazakhstan" campaign. Last week, another event, "Clean Park," was held in Retro Park, involving 250 employees from various organizations, including workers from West Dala.

First-year students of the Ecology Department enrolled in the «Waste Management» program at Atyrau University named after Kh. Dosmukhamedov met with representatives from LLP «West Dala», the Atyrau branch of RSE «Kazhydromet,» the Akzhayik State Nature Reserve, and LLP «Spetsavtobaza.»

Since last year, West Dala has expanded its social program to provide financial assistance to employees in anticipation of this day.

Did you know that the West Dala company’s WMF territory has a true green oasis? Over 300 trees and flowers have been planted here, and about 30% of the trees bear fruit. Every year, the facility’s employees harvest apples, pears, quinces, apricots, and cherries. This season was no exception!

We are excited to announce that our collaboration with NAO “Atyrau University named after Kh. Dosmukhamedova” has gained new momentum. The joint efforts of the West Dala working group and the university’s environmental science faculty have led to the approval of the “Waste Management” educational program by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan!

The national campaign “Road to School-2024” has started in Kazakhstan. West Dala did not stay away from this noble and important charitable project.

The UN Global Compact on Sustainable Development has ambitious goals that are being made a reality thanks to people. The scale of such personalities is great, as they have an impact on the events and lives of other people.

Labor Safety Day at West Dala's office was the highlight of last week. On June 28, during a meeting at the company’s headquarter, General Director Kairat Salakhadenov congratulated the West Dala Team on achieving "500 days without a lost-time incident," emphasizing the importance of following all safety rules in the workplace.

Bronze Medals for the TCF Project. Our employees are among the best! This is how the leadership of TCO evaluated the work of West Dala’s HSE managers Abay Nurmukhamat and Ruslan Berdikulov on the Tengiz Future Growth project.

In honor of World Environment Day and as part of the national "Taza Qazaqstan" campaign, the Department of Ecology of Mangistau Region awarded a group of local environmental activists and company representatives.

West Dala has contributed by installing 20 containers with a capacity of 8 cubic meters for the removal of household waste from homes affected by the flood.

The children it is the happiness and laughter, skinned knees and a world of discoveries. Every child needs a love, care and protection, that’s why the Children's Day was established for the first time in 1950.