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West Dala LLP, one of the flagship companies in the integrated waste management industry in Kazakhstan, published the pilot Sustainability Report that reflects material topics, indicators and events in the field of responsible business, corporate governance, ecology, carbon emissions assessment, workforce management and other areas of activity for 2022. It is important to note that it is the first-ever report of a company operating in the Kazakhstan waste management sector.

West Dala has introduced the practice of regular meetings with employees at all company facilities and projects. At such meetings, issues related to industrial relations are discussed in an open dialog mode: working conditions, living conditions, relationships, labor protection, labor legislation.

The safe work is a top priority in the activities of West Dala Company. One of the important and significant achievement is the 350 days worked without loss of any days for today.

West Dala participates in the SDG Ambition program, an educational course developed by UN experts to integrate the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) into the strategic and operational activities of companies.

We have already introduced you to the students of Atyrau Oil and Gas University named after Safi Utebayev, with whom West Dala has been implementing a dual training system program since last autumn. A January meeting of West Dala tutors, students and mentors from the university to summarize the interim results of the training showed that the program is working effectively.

West Dalа has adopted a "Human Rights, Diversity and Equal Opportunities Policy" in 2023. The issue of human rights protection is an important one for the company, so it is also reflected in other internal regulatory documents.

West Dala traditionally continues to help children with special needs and from large families.

Kairat Shamenovich Salakhadenov, General Director of West Dala, was awarded a Letter of Appreciation from Makhambet District Akimat of Atyrau region at the ceremony "Zhyl Uzdigi -2023".

West Dala gives New Year's spirit: 100 sweet gifts from our company were given to special children in Kuryk village and Zhetybay village of Karakiyan district of Mangistau region.

A meeting was held on the part of our Client TCO regarding Incident and Injury Free (IIF) for the implementation of TCF Demolition project in 2023

As part of the preparation of the document "West Dala's 2022 GHG Inventory Report", a training course for employees has been conducted.

The Agreement between West Dala and Atyrau Oil and Gas University named after Safi Utebayev

West Dala has opened its doors to young specialists and students

Until recently, the process of cleaning oil tanks from oil sludge was carried out manually by West Dala specialists: it was necessary to enter the oil tank, having previously prepared a ventilation system with clean air supplied through a separate line.

You've probably heard about the environmental trend of companies reducing their carbon footprint. What is it and why is it important to everyone? Let's figure it out.

An example is the experience of West Dala, which, as part of its social responsibility and in order to implement the new Social Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan, provided young specialists with jobs under the "Youth internship" program.